My personal ancestor altar

A few months ago I decided to put up an altar to honor my family and ancestors.  I have a pretty amazing family so it seemed only natural to pay tribute to the people who have filled my life with so much love. When looking at my my altar most people would never immediately think,…

How to start

So you want to set up an altar of your own…. First rule: There are no rules.  Every altar is different and should be supremely personal to whomever created it.  Any place can function as your altar.  It doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate; it can be tucked away where no one sees it but…


I have “a thing” for altars.  I always have.  For all intents and purposes I shouldn’t have the slightest interest in them; my parents are scientists and I grew up in a world free from the trappings and ceremony of religion.  But… for some reason they sucked me in at an early age and I’ve…